TOO MUCH WEIRD is author Terry M. West’s baby. West’s previous pub house, Pleasant Storm Entertainment, had to be closed because it was an East Coast operation and the owners had moved permanently to the West Coast. PSE had partners and dealt with more than just Terry’s books. Since PSE is no more, Terry decided to create a new press and TOO MUCH WEIRD was born. The name comes from a comment made at a horror con a few years back. An attendee looked over Terry’s books and said they had, “Too much weird.” When it came time to form a new press and migrate his titles to it, Terry decided to overhaul the design, layout, and to give them the retro feel he loves. TOO MUCH WEIRD will offer opportunities to other authors in the very near future. Keep an out for a new submissions page coming soon. Until then, keep it weird. And you can never have too much.
—-Terry M. West